These questions come from advanced students who are quite knowledgeable in the esoteric sciences. They concern aspects of the nature of the phenomena manifesting via the astral plane. Some of the psychic members of the forces of evil (dark brotherhood, witches, etc.) are touched upon and also of the nature of the types of the psychic phenomena that can be projected by them, and which come under the auspices of thought-forms, are briefly explained. Such information is beyond the ken of most meditators. Some people however may be seriously affected by such entities, but have little or no background knowledge to deal with or to understand their psychic karma.

The nature of the manifestation of psychic phenomena is a vast subject and only a snippet is revealed here, and in the former videos presented by the School of Esoteric Sciences. Much more information needs to be revealed about this psychic world in a logical manner, without the sensationalised and ignorant misconceptions so often portrayed. Such distortions, though having a basis in truth, need to be rectified. The speaker’s voluminous writings should be consulted, if the background to this subject is to be understood. The books do not yet exist, however, that can do this esoteric subject proper justice.

The dark brotherhood, the forces of evil on this planet (psychically existing, or incarnate), are not ‘dark’ because of the colour of their skin, but because of the nature of the emanation of their auras. They were practitioners of black magic in past epochs of human history, and have now incarnated into positions of power (corporate, financial and political) all over the world. Manipulative scheming, coercion, and modes of obtaining ruthless power are their modus operandi. The white brotherhood are the council of Bodhisattvas, the Hierarchy of Light and Love, whose members have incarnated into all races and nations, and who actively work to counter what is perceived as evil all over the world. They are ‘white’ because of the comparative radiance of their auras.

Concerning Mars as a brother planet to the earth, it should be noted that both have astral planes, via which much of the interrelationship happens. For information concerning the fact that there is advanced life on Mars, and of NASA’s obfuscation of the fact, refer to the site:

Note that the Sanskrit term manvantara refers to the appearance of a sphere of expression, such as is the earth, whilst the term pralaya refers to its dissolution.