
Tibetan Book of the Dead – Part 3


Part 3 - Further Commentary on Awareness In the third part of the series on the esoteric rendering of the Bardo Thödol (the 'Tibetan Book of the Dead') Bodo Balsys continues with the analysis of Mind. Here [...]

The Revelation – New Revised Edition


This book presents basic postulates concerning many esoteric concepts. These include the concept of ‘God’, what constitutes evil, the nature and function of karma, the manifestation of energy from the subtle planes of perception, the nature of manifest Divinity, as [...]

Esoteric Cosmology and Modern Physics


This book endeavours to integrate the concepts gleaned through modern physics with those of the esotericist, hence with the lore derived from meditative penetration of high dimensions of perception. This incorporates the nāḍī and chakra system, via which all phenomena [...]

A Treatise on Mind: Volume Seven Part B


The Constitution of Shambhala - Part B and C The theme of the first of the two parts of this volume concerns the feminine deva hierarchy, their relation to Hierarchy and Shambhala. Many concepts are introduced that most seekers have [...]

A Treatise on Mind: Volume Seven Part A


The Constitution of Shambhala The subject of Shambhala (the planetary Head centre, or theistically, the kingdom of ‘God’) has been previously veiled in such texts as the Kālachakra Tantra, but the true esoteric lore has only been provided gradually, first [...]

A Treatise on Mind: Volume Three


The Buddha-Womb and the Way to Liberation This volume resolves the ontology from the two previous volumes concerning the concept of a ‘subtle self’. First a commentary of the Tantra Great Gates of Diamond Liberation, that presents detailed information concerning [...]

A Treatise on Mind: Volume Two


Considerations of Mind - a Buddhist Enquiry This volume primarily focuses upon the Yogācāra-Vijñānavādin concepts of mind and its means of expression such as the various consciousnesses, the nature of the bījas, and the ālayavijñāna. From this basis, related topics [...]

A Treatise on Mind: Volume One


The 'Self' or 'Non-self' in Buddhism A cogent reinterpretation of many of the key arguments of Mahāyāna philosophy, providing new insights in relation to the question of what a ‘self’ may or may not be, relativistically perceived as an I-consciousness [...]

A Treatise on Mind: Volume Five, Part A


An Esoteric Exposition of the Bardo Thödol, part A This book explores chapter 5 of the Bardo Thödol (The Tibetan Book of the Dead) titled 'The Spiritual Practice entitled Natural Liberation of Habitual Tendencies'. This text incorporates a detailed exposition [...]

A Treatise on Mind: Volume Five, Part B


An Esoteric Exposition of the Bardo Thödol, part B Part A dealt with the process of conversion of saṃskāras into enlightenment attributes, whereas part B explains the nature of those attributes in terms of the natural radiance of the Clear [...]

Devas in Human forms


Why do Deva look like faries, goblins and other human-like forms? The Devas actually embody the 5 elements, and our Minds shape these elements into form. Devas also do not have emotions - this is a human 'condition'. [...]

A Treatise on Mind: Volume Six


Meditation and the Initiation Process This book provides practical background information and teachings on meditation primarily for a Western audience. Through meditation, compassionately focused actions, and group sharing the Heart centre is awakened and Bodhicitta is manifested. For this to [...]

A Treatise on Mind: Volume Four


Maṇḍalas - Their Nature and Development This book deals with the question of what exactly constitutes a 'cell' metaphysically. The cell is viewed as a unit of consciousness that interrelate with other cells to form maṇḍalas of expression. Each such [...]

My Mind!


My Brain, My Brain - it's like the rain! tip tap tip tap - do this  do that! ahhh for the stillness of a lake the sweeping gentleness of the ocean My Heart holds steady, my Brain gets ready ... [...]

What is Love?


What is Love esoterically understood? Union with Cosmos? The love spoken of here is not the emotional love spoken of by lovers, which is the love that binds. Rather, here the subject is the love that liberates. Consequently it [...]

The Seven Rays and Planes


Here is a link to a printable poster that outlines the Seven Rays and Planes. The list below outlines the content in the poster of the seven rays and planes  in a basic text format. The First, Second and Third [...]

The Meditation Mind


In meditation – we walk and meditate all the time so we don’t really have to sit 24 hours like some of the great yogis had to do in seclusion and in a cave or a jungle retreat or enclosed [...]


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