Unfortunately the sound quality of this talk is not the best, we suggest listening to it with headphones. Those who can bear with it will gain the wisdom of the esotericism presented.

In this talk given in 2006, Bodo offers a lecture on the application of bodhicitta (the Mind of Love) from a higher, more awakened perspective, than is normally understood. Different examples and several esoteric perspectives are used, from where the practitioner applies this Mind of Love to direct light (termed ‘zapping’) according to his or her wisdom and spiritual age. As per usual Bodo’s talks are of a highly esoteric nature, given to a small group of serious practitioners. This part of his former talk is presented here for the Youtube audience in the hope that it may be useful to those who are seeking more advanced spiritual teachings than what is commonly available. Such seekers are relatively few in number, but need to be guided towards a higher vision akin to what they are receiving through their own inner guidance.

The term zapping is mentioned and is another way of saying that bright light is projected to the auric field of a dark brotherhood (DB) entity.

The Dark Brotherhood are the forces of evil on this planet. They are not ‘dark’ because of the colour of their skin, but because of the nature of the emanation of their auras. They were practitioners of black magic in past epochs of human history, and have now incarnated into positions of power (corporate, financial and political) all over the world. Manipulative scheming, coercion, and modes of obtaining ruthless power are their modus operandi.

The White Brotherhood are the council of Bodhisattvas, the Hierarchy of Light and Love, whose members have incarnated into all races and nations, and who actively work to counter what is perceived as evil all over the world. They are ‘white’ because of the comparative radiance of their auras.