
The application of Bodhicitta


Unfortunately the sound quality of this talk is not the best, we suggest listening to it with headphones. Those who can bear with it will gain the wisdom of the esotericism presented. In this talk given in [...]

Tibetan Book of the Dead – Part 2


Part 2 - Introduction to Awareness This is the second part of the series on the esoteric rendering of the Bardo Thödol (the 'Tibetan Book of the Dead'). Bodo Balsys continues to comment on the development of [...]

A Warning Regarding the Chakras and Energy


The subject of the chakras, kuṇḍalinī and the raising of energies has become a popular interest of people in our present day. The promise of enlightenment, visions sublime and ecstatic union are often given without due warning to the [...]

A Treatise on Mind: Volume Four


Maṇḍalas - Their Nature and Development This book deals with the question of what exactly constitutes a 'cell' metaphysically. The cell is viewed as a unit of consciousness that interrelate with other cells to form maṇḍalas of expression. Each such [...]

A Vegetarian in America


Like most people in the United States, I was not raised with a vegetarian diet.  My good Catholic mother, who is so soft hearted that she refuses to kill insects that fly into her house and instead takes them outside [...]

What is the Aura?


The definition of the aura is "a radiatory sphere of energy that emanates from the body.” It has no real colour of its own as such. It is the mind that quickly translates it into colour. The colours can also [...]

Healing and use of Energy


All is really energy, all is really energy interrelationship and it is the quality of the type of energy that you respond to that determines whether you are healthy or diseased. This is because the body has a natural balance, [...]


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