
The Differences Between Klesha and Samskara


In Buddhist terminology, we call kleshas hindrances - hindrances to the path. They are also considered attributes of mind. Being on this esoteric path, knowing the generation of whatever the karma was or whatever the samskara was, [...]

A Warning Regarding the Chakras and Energy


The subject of the chakras, kuṇḍalinī and the raising of energies has become a popular interest of people in our present day. The promise of enlightenment, visions sublime and ecstatic union are often given without due warning to the [...]

Resources on Devas


Want to find out more on Devas? There are a few good resources we can point you in the direction of. As well as talks on our website and art in our Gallery. Check out our Recommended [...]

Can Devas become Human?


If Devas and Humans are evolving on parallel streams, is it possible to cross over between the two? The Devic counterpart in our lives is something that we will ultimately aim to merge with in our higher initiations. The [...]

Devas in Human forms


Why do Deva look like faries, goblins and other human-like forms? The Devas actually embody the 5 elements, and our Minds shape these elements into form. Devas also do not have emotions - this is a human 'condition'. [...]

How do Devas interact with Humans?


How do Devas affect our everyday life? They are in fact units of Karma that play a huge role in our evolution. They are a part of the Healing process as well as part of the diseases we suffer. [...]

How do Devas Evolve?


Devas have a different evolutionary path to that of the Human Kingdom. This and the different planes of perception are mentioned in this short informative talk.

What is Love?


What is Love esoterically understood? Union with Cosmos? The love spoken of here is not the emotional love spoken of by lovers, which is the love that binds. Rather, here the subject is the love that liberates. Consequently it [...]

The Masters of Wisdom


Who are the Masters of Wisdom? What makes a master of Wisdom and what do they do? The Hierarchy of Love and Light The Hierarchy of Light, of enlightened Being, is a beneficent grouping of people that have triumphed [...]

The Heart, Love and the All


This talk given in Kalimpong India by Bodo Balsys gives a brief introduction to the chakras, elements and prana. The way of love is the unfolding of the Heart chakra, this involves control of the personality- the mind and [...]


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