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Refers to the expression of a consciousness-stream that is separated from other similar streams, allowing the appearance of individuality over successive rebirths of that consciousness. The “personal-I” or “I-concept” then refers to the individualised mind developing consciousness-attributes during any particular incarnation of a consciousness-stream. In short, it refers to the mind of a human personality.


Or IAU. Idealised Light, the Light body of the Wisdom principle.


The name of the correspondence of the present Shamballa in Lemurio-Atlantean times that was situated in the centre of South America, as explained on pages 377-83 of A Treatise on White Magic by A.A. Bailey. The locality of Shamballa has moved from place to place as the Races of humanity evolved.

Ichchha Shakti

The Shakti (Psychic power) that concerns the evocation of the Will. The power of the Will to manifest, to create. It is an aspect of the Kundalini fire directed from mental levels.

Ida nadi

The psychic channel that embodies the feminine, intelligent, creative, forces and energies in Nature, seen in terms of consciousness. One of a triplicity, with the Pingala (Son) and Sushumna (Father) nadis.


The Pali equivalent of the Sanskrit term siddhi, meaning psychic power.


A Latin term meaning the enlightened, an adept.


This is the light of the intellect which irradiates the Way, when it is truly focussed upwards to reflect Soul light. (By means of quiet persevering meditative undertaking.) This enables the mind to be “held steady in the light”. (Which then has an ability to dissipate the fogs of glamours based upon desire-mind reactions.) Illumination thus allows one to clearly see things as they are, undistorted by subtle feeling perceptions and desires.


This is well defined in the book Glamour: A World Problem, by A.A. Bailey, (where it is contrasted with the intuition) from which I shall present some extracts.

“The word illusion is frequently lightly used to signify lack of knowledge, unsettled opinions, glamour, misunderstandings, psychic bewilderment, the dominance of the lower psychic powers, and many other forms of the world illusion. But the time has come when the word must be used with a developed discriminating sense, and when the disciple must know clearly and comprehend the nature of that phenomenal miasma in which humanity moves…..it will be necessary for us to separate the Great Illusion (in its various aspects) into its component parts in time and space, and this I attempted partially to do when I defined for you the words Maya, Glamour, Illusion, and the Dweller on the Threshold.” (Page 54.)

“An illusion can, therefore, be defined as the consequence of an idea (translated into ideal) being regarded as the entire presentation, as the completed story or solution and as being separated from and visioned independently of all other ideas – both religious in nature or apparently completely unrelated to religion. In this statement lies the story of separation and of man’s inability to relate the various implications of a divine idea with each other. When visioned and grasped in a narrow and separative manner, there is necessarily a distortion of the truth, and the disciple or aspirant inevitably pledges himself to a partial aspect of reality or of the Plan and not to the truth as far as it can be revealed or to the Plan as the Members of the Hierarchy know it. This illusion evokes in the disciple or idealist an emotional reaction which immediately feeds desire and consequently shifts off the mental plane on to the astral; a desire is thus evoked for a partial and inadequate ideal and thus the idea cannot arrive at full expression, because its exponent sees only this partial ideal as the whole truth and cannot, therefore, grasp its social and planetary and its cosmic implications.
Where there is a real grasp of the whole idea (a rare thing indeed) there can be no illusion. The idea is so much bigger than the idealist that humility saves him from narrowness. Where there is illusion (which is usual and commonplace) and a vague interpretative reaction to an idea, we find emerging fanatics, vague idealists, sadistic enforcers of the idea as grasped, one-pointed and narrow men and women, seking to express their interpretation of God’s idea, and limited, cramped visionaries.” (Pages 131-2.)


(Irritability) Note how often what Master Morya calls “imperil”, as mentioned in the Agni Yoga books, is reflected in one’s speech, causing effectively psychic attacks to another person. Truly, irritability is the main quality that imperils the very existence of the serving disciple, of his ability to walk the way of enlightened being. It but opens the way for evil adversities to influence, attack, or work through the disciple. The power of the dark brotherhood is magnified many times over by those that manifest such tendencies. One should learn to reflect at the end of each day where one has erred in speech, offered abrasive comment, hasty critical judgement, or else frittered away one’s store of prana through idle gossip.


The term used by esotericists to depict the process associated with the formation of the Causal forms of humanity during the early epoch of the third Root Race, when forms had evolved (animal-man) that could rightly bear the “spark of mind” that was seeded into the “man-plants” by the Lords of Flame. It was a process thus, that concerned the separation of the consciousness-aspect of humanity from the group Souls of the animal kingdom in such a way that they “individualised” into the singular conscious entities we call “man” or “human”, and which started the entire gamut of evolution associated with the reincarnation process, the symbolic 777 lives of an individual. According to esoteric records this process happened about 18,000,000 years ago.


From one perspective, this means an individualised Soul, or Ego. From another perspective it can refer to the fully integrated personality, with all three vehicles ruled by the higher mind. Also, an incarnate Logos, or Monad, can be considered an “Individual”, for similar reasons.


Ruler of the Airy (Sidereal) Element, thus of the lightning bolt, of all electrical phenomena, of the pranas that flow through the nadi system.


(Meaning, “belonging to Indra”.) The control of the senses in yoga practice. There are ten external agents, the organs of sensation, the five senses uses for perception (Jnana-indriya) and the five organs of action (karma-indriya).


One who has been educated by the Hierophants of the Mysteries of any esoteric school of philosophy, or Mystery religion of antiquity. We use the term to refer to one who is Initiated into the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Shambala by means of the Initiation process. The process also has its corollary for those who aspire along the path of evil.


This is a gradual unfoldment of the spirituality within a being in a wholistic manner and becomes increasingly exponential in its momentum, allowing the inner person (or Deity) to expand and embrace the outer Universe, till eventually there is no distinction between the two. This defines the overall progress of the initiation process.

Initiation concerns the stages of being awakened to increasingly more expanded states of awareness, into the sum of the Mysteries that constitute the nature of manifestation and Purpose of all Being, both subjective and objective. There are five major Initiations, as depicted in the symbolism of the life of Christ/Jesus, though the process is never ending:

  • The first Initiation – The birth of the Christ in the cave of the Heart. This concerns the mastering of the properties of the physical/etheric plane.
  • The second Initiation – The Baptism in the waters of Jordan. This concerns the mastering of the properties of the astral plane.
  • The third Initiation – The Transfiguration. The mastering of the properties of the mental plane.
  • The fourth Initiation – The Crucifixion. The mastering of the properties of the buddhic plane.
  • The fifth Initiation – The Ascension/Revelation.This concerns the mastering of the properties of the atmic plane.

This process is best explained in the writings of A.A. Bailey.


D.K., defines the Intuition in Glamour: A World Problem, pages 2-4, thus:

“Intuition is the synthetic understanding which is the prerogative of the soul and it only becomes possible when the soul, on its own level, is reaching in two directions: towards the Monad, and towards the integrated and, perhaps (even if only temporarily) coordinated and at-oned personality. It is the first indication of a deeply subjective unification which will find its consummation at the third initiaiton.
Intuition is a comprehensive grip of the principle of universality, and when it is functioning, there is, momentarily at least, a complete loss of the sense of separativeness. At its highest point, it is known as that Universal Love which has no relation to sentiment or to the affectional reaction but is, predominantly, in the nature of an identification with all beings. Then is true compassion known; then does criticism become impossible; then, only, is the divine germ seen as latent in all forms.
Intuition is light itself, and when it is functioning, the world is seen as light and the light bodies of all forms become gradually apparent. This brings with it the ability to contact the light centre in all forms, and thus again an essential relationship is established and the sense of superiority and separateness recedes into the background.”

D.K. then states that the intuition brings with its appearance illumination, understanding, and love. He also states that,

“the intuition is not a welling forth of love to people and, therefore, an understanding of them. Much that is called the intuition is recognition of similarities and the possession of a clear analytical mind….The intuition has no relation to psychism, either higher or lower; the seeing of a vision, the hearing of the Voice of the Silence, a pleased reaction to teaching of any kind does not infer the functioning of the intuition. It is not only the seeing of symbols, for that is a special sort of perception and the capacity to tune in on the Universal Mind upon that layer of Its activity which produces the pattern-forms on which all etheric bodies are based. It is not intelligent psychology, and a loving desire to help. That emanates from the interplay of a personality, governed by a strong soul orientation, and the group-conscious soul….The intuition is therefore the recognition in oneself, not theoretically but as a fact in one’s experience, of one’s complete identification with the Universal Mind, of one’s constituting a part of the great World Life, and of one’s participation in the eternal persisting Existence.”

In the first volume of The Revelation, I define the intuition in relation to the awakening of Vision in response to Need, that it is essentially Love instantly translated into far-reaching Vision (an all-embracive storehouse of consciousness), if it is to effectively manifest. It necessitates complete impersonality, serenity, and a state of non-receptivity to any self-engendered thought or sentiency. Once the being is denuded of all concept of self, then the All-Being/Non Being can be-come his total being. When expressed as an effortless and spontaneous response to other’s needs, this experience becomes the manifest Christ-consciousness, the intuition. Those “needs” become seeds that instantly fecundate a Vision, or direct Realisation, as to the means whereby they can be eliminated. (In which past, present, and future, are seen in perspective.) Such Vision generally manifests as a sequence of Revelation throughout the lifetime of the individual. See also buddhi, Christ-consciousness.


Sometimes spelled Iswara. In Hinduism Ishvara has similar functions to that of the Christ, the overlooking one, the world Soul or Logos. That from which the incarnation process proceeds and into which it resolves. He is the Supreme Lord, who oversees manifest Space.


The Great Mother Goddess, the third person of the trinity Osiris, Horus, Isis. She is daughter of Seb, the God of the Earth, and Nut, goddess of the sky. She married her brother Osiris and gave birth to the falcon-headed Horus, the God of the Sun, of the Christ-consciousness.

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