
A Treatise on Mind: Volume Four


Maṇḍalas - Their Nature and Development This book deals with the question of what exactly constitutes a 'cell' metaphysically. The cell is viewed as a unit of consciousness that interrelate with other cells to form maṇḍalas of expression. Each such [...]

The Masters of Wisdom


Who are the Masters of Wisdom? What makes a master of Wisdom and what do they do? The Hierarchy of Love and Light The Hierarchy of Light, of enlightened Being, is a beneficent grouping of people that have triumphed [...]

The Heart, Love and the All


This talk given in Kalimpong India by Bodo Balsys gives a brief introduction to the chakras, elements and prana. The way of love is the unfolding of the Heart chakra, this involves control of the personality- the mind and [...]

The Seven Rays and Planes


Here is a link to a printable poster that outlines the Seven Rays and Planes. The list below outlines the content in the poster of the seven rays and planes  in a basic text format. The First, Second and Third [...]

The Chakras


The chakras are the doorways to perception, or the doorways to higher perception, the doorways to everything that is. This particular subject is the subject that is the most glamoured of all the subjects in the 'new age' occult movement. [...]

Life and Death – the Eternal Struggle


It's the eternal problem of living in a body, a physical body. And for some people that are following the path to Light the physical body is a real problem. We’re living in it, and most people that are travelling [...]


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