Esoteric Correspondence Series – Understanding Evil Part 1

These Esoteric Correspondence Series documents are created from the compilation of various emails, by subject, between Bodo and his students.

Evil is that which was once good but has now long been surpassed upon the evolutionary journey, and so must be converted with light (zapping). The types of attributes (saṃskāras) the Dark Brotherhood (DB) possess were developed aeons ago in the infancy of our solar evolution, and especially in the past solar system. The beginning requires an evolution via black substance, and its slow conversion to light. Some Minds that have evolved via that darkness have decided to not evolve and entrench the substance of blackness. Such Mind is separative to an infinite degree, and wishes all power for itself, so it seeks out all forms of light to try to dominate and convert it.
The forces of evil want it this way because the darkness and the shadows are their source of sustenance. Hence, they feed the dim-lighted prideful ones, with images and grey and sometimes black energies of encouragement. The dark brothers have their version of a ‘mountain’ (of initiation), but it leads downwards to the pits of hell, to the arenas of past forms of ignorance, where the wise ones fear to tread and so must battle to avoid that path. This battling process is where all of you are now. Many are the forces arraigned against you to try to prevent you climbing upwards to great heights of luminosity, to the rarefied strata of Mind, where the Eagles fly, who are the Eyes of the great Ones visioning a vast panorama in their enlightened Sight. Therefore, climb and serve as you accumulate wisdom in the art of giving. Learn so to swim in the ocean of Love, for that ocean is cosmic MIND, as that mountain top has become a Door to the Mind of whatever IS and must BE, and that MIND is LOVE. Your developing Wisdom gets you There. You are learning to reside in the Heart’s Mind.
Note that most meditators are not attacked, as they are already under the control of the Anubis. It is only those that are endeavoring to free themselves from this control that become the focus of the DB ire. It is very much like the Matrix Trilogy (a movie inspired by Hierarchy). Two pills are offered, take the blue one and you remain in the matrix and are controlled. Take the red one and you free yourself but must learn to fight the entities that wish control over everything, to produce a cancerous death-dealing matrix of dark evil.

Ear whispered teachings about the Dark Brotherhood

The teachings concerning the dark brotherhood have mostly been heavily veiled, ‘ear whispered’ for a good reason, mainly because of the dangers accrued through incomplete revelation related to awakening psychic powers to the unworthy, who are not ready to master their emotional minds. Only advanced Bodhisattvas/Initiates can rightly develop the powers to completely ward off the Evil, hence act as protectors for the rest, the younger aspirants to the higher Mysteries of enlightenment. This path is the forte of those specifically along the first and seventh Rays, for the black, and the second Ray line for the greys.

Teachings were ever given by DK, presented as much as was allowed at his time, and I have revealed considerably more in my books, because such revelation is now needed in this epoch. (Books other than that of DK’s or Helena Roerich’s writings, written by other authors are not recommended. There are many distortions, and pathways that lead to DB forms of activity.) However, the main teachings are still esoteric, and given to our trainees as they are working out the testings for their second Initiation, as you are. Such understanding for others not actively engaged in this warfare would just be a bewildering miasma of spiritual psychobabble.

Characteristics of the Dark Brotherhood

The DB you are tackling are either the members of a human kingdom that have fought against the evolution of the Watery flow (except for the sex magicians, the lowest grade of magicians, who are manipulated by Sorcerers). They travel the deva way of mind in its most material aspect, as it stood at the beginning of things, separative, segregative and materially creative of the things of the former world. Or we have mind in its disintegrative, destructive aspect. (There is another form of Sorcerer which represents cosmic black Mind in the process of descent.) The Sorcerers have starved out the emotions through a process of kriya and kuṇḍalinī yoga. Lords of will and yoga they are, and ruthlessly apply their arts to manipulate, control and to dominate all that exists in the material domain for themselves as the Lord of it all. What they cannot control they will destroy (a la the activity of U.S. Politics). They work to evoke the darkness, the black forms of energy that existed at the beginning of things, and to incorporate this into what is living and vital, so as to stifle evolutionary progression. Thus, they embody the forces of sickness and disease. Like a cancerous growth they overtake healthy and vital life. Hence, they convert the devas they mentally, willfully capture, into agents of death, who take the shape of medusas, orcs, vampires, and other creatures of the night.

The forces of evil are also lords of yoga and waste not their time trying to influence those they already control, a la those ignorant of the nature of the psychic domains, or who present erroneous or distorted teachings. Such beings are of little consequence to the DB because they are of little or no threat to the activities of the evil ones’ power projections to try to control and manipulate everything and everyone in our world. Once you start to break free consciously from the illusions and erroneous thought constructs and start to properly develop higher awareness, coupled with some psychic power, then the Dugpas take a different approach, they begin to see you as a real or potential threat to their power base and psychic control, and so then work ardently to try to prevent you from traveling further into the domains of light and liberation. Many in the Buddhist world use this term ‘liberation’ somewhat glibly, as they do not properly understand that it really means liberation from the power of manifest evil (in the ways that I define this term), and the nature of the forms of substance, the materialism, that they control and dominate all with. All is mind/Mind and it is the nature of an enormous thought-construct that you are liberating yourself from, and those that control the illusionality of that thought-construct will fight tenaciously to keep you trapped within their domain.

The black practitioners and those of the white path, who work to counter their emanations in the world, have modernised, as many from both the left and the right-hand paths have incarnated into Western bodies. You are one of these former yogins. There are sorcerers, covens (sex magic groups), witches on the inner realms, Anubis (a major nemesis for all upon the path to enlightenment that are battling through the psychic domains in an endeavor to master former magical and yogic karma). The Anubis herald from Egyptian times, when magic, white and black, was the mainstay of that civilisation. You have yet much to learn about the heritage of your past lives. To become enlightened, you must overcome this psychic karma and so master the astral and lower mental domains. This is not an easy task, and many psychic kleśas need to be understood and controlled wisely. The dark forces that are your adversaries do not sleep, but our weapons of Light and Love-Wisdom are much more powerful than anything they can muster. However, there are many levels of the Evil, right through to great cosmic Logoi.
You have already read about the grey Anubis, but there are also black ones, black witches and what are called Riders (demonic dark brotherhood on horses), who carry lances that can pierce your Heart centre, head, etc., to cause the pain you may experience. You need to help each other constantly.